Who We Are

It is People of Worth's Inc.  mission to restore the American families' stability by removing the barriers that keep them in domestic violence, drug abuse, since of loss  and misery.

The founder Zondria Lansdowne has personally prevailed through a lot of lives challenges and believes she would have never reached her personal goals without a lot of prayer and  successful people reaching back and helping her. She truly believes if we can use our more seasoned people and learn from their experiences we can help build our families into strong places to raise the next generation.

Zondria has been married thirty-two years and has thirteen children. She and her husband have been foster parents and believe that if each stable home would adopt or take in one child there would be no need for foster care. Zondria has been an ordained Minister for over thirty years  and has a strong personal relationship with God that allows her to help others.  She has worked in the non-profit field for over thirty years and is known to be a "professional volunteer". 

People of Worth Inc is organized and run by volunteers who are crazy enough to believe that one person can and will change the world; so a handful can change a generation. You don't have to be perfect to work with us only have the heart to want to change another persons life for the better.

We opened our first FREE grocery store on W. King St. June 1st 2022. Within two months we moved our new location at 226 Winchester Avenue to expand and offer clothing, shoes and household goods.