Why We Do It

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6;2)

People of Worth Inc.  was founded by Zondria Lansdowne, is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization created to help marginalized families. Our foundation uses the power of seasoned leaders, prayer, networking, social media and one on one direction to influence and encourage families in need to better their life circumstances. 

Our organization has multiple programs to assist families to teach their preset goals. People of Worth has a goal that the families will learn techniques to reach their goals and learn skills that they may utilize and pass down to the next generation, we are here to give a hand up not a handout.

Everyone needs a little guidance sometimes.  Not only are we here to teach you how to be better, but to show you how to be better in your own way. We assist you in making goals and getting over the obstacles that may stop you from reaching them.

    "It takes a village to create a country where love trumps hate" Hillary Clinton